So, you may see advertisements on my site now, or at least soon. This is the beginning of a process known as-


So, most of you probably have ad blocking software anyway, so putting advertisements on my site is likely something most of you won’t even notice. But, I figure, any monetization will contribute some cash that I can earmark fo future projects to put on my website. I’m also considering starting a YouTube channel, primarily because I have a phobia of being on camera. Being on a YouTube channel is a way I can force myself to become okay with how I look on camera, and hey, maybe both you and I will learn something!

Why should anyone monetize a blog or YouTube channel?

When one has a plan in place to earn some passive revenue, there are many options for novel content that can be funded or inspired by these advertisements. Passive income refers to making money with something that, once produced, continues to generate wealth. Some other examples of this would include investing in dividend stocks such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and generating royalties from a book you have written.

When you monetize your content, you do not have to work crazy hours.

One can make their own schedule when generating content through the monetization process. Just write a blog, or film a YouTube video, whenever you have the spare time! You of course still have to put in the initial work of creating the content, but whatever time you put in is what you get out, and you can do it on whatever schedule you want. Only have 15 minutes a week to dedicate to a side hustle? Go ahead and give it that 15 minutes! That’s barely any time, and any money is more money than you had before. As they say, you do you, boo.

Monetize your blog from anywhere!

Do you like to travel, or do you have multiple citizenships? Are you a “digital nomad”? So, when you monetize your content, you can literally work from anywhere. As long as you have nearby internet access to upload your content, and you aren’t behind the firewall of an oppressive regime or something, you can reach your target audience from anywhere on earth. This allows you the unique opportunity of working not only on your own schedule and at your own pace, but you can treat your work like a vacation if you want. Why not engage your audience while lounging on the beach, or strolling through the city? You might look like a weirdo talking to yourself, but who cares what anyone thinks, since you’re getting paid to do it.

Can I monetize my content without working?

Hell no! You still have to put in the work necessary to create your blog, YouTube video, video game, or whatever other content you are using to target and engage your audience. The more you work at it, and the more you learn, the more your audience will relate to you and your content. The benefit is that unlike working an hourly or salaried job, your work continues to benefit and pay you long after you have published it or produced a product of value.

I only pretend to know what I am doing, but I do have some outside perspective as a marketer and a modicum of common sense. So, if you don’t like advertisements, there is tons of software that lets you avoid them. If you don’t use that software, then hey: guess who is in my target demographic? All kidding aside, my experiment and experience with this content creation is a journey, and I remain grateful that you’ve chosen to undertake it with me. Thanks!